While soaking up sunshine is the best way to get your daily dose of vitamin D, during the winter months we may not get enough sun exposure to produce adequate levels of this important nutrient. This vitamin aids in the development of strong bones and teeth and can boost the immune system.
Low levels not only can make you more susceptible to physical illness but mental health conditions such as seasonal affective disorder. That’s why it’s important to take steps to ensure you get enough vitamin D during the winter months, either through diet or supplements. Doing so is not only good for your body, but also your mind.
Here are some easy and effective ways to get the amount you need:
Through Your Food
Eat foods such as fatty fish (such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel), egg yolks, and mushrooms.
As the sun’s not strong this time of year, we believe that everybody north of the Mason- Dixon line should be taking vitamin D every day. We recommend at least 2,500, if not 5,000 (an ideal amount), IUs daily.
A Shot or IV
At Knewtson Health Group, you can get shots and IV drips through our IV Minnesota partnership, which we offer during patient hours on Friday mornings as well as Thursday evenings. These shots and IVs provide D3, which is the most readily absorbable form of the supplement.
Are Your Levels Optimized?
If you’re concerned you may be deficient in the “sunshine” vitamin, ask your doctor to order a blood test to check your levels. This test is used to measure your serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D, for short. For optimal health, we recommend achieving levels in the ___ range.
Keeping your vitamin D levels maximized may help you stay healthy all winter and year long!